A Weekend with Meg Keys

Breath Empowerment with Meg Keys Stratton
Saturday, November 26, 2016 | 1 to 4p
Focus on breathing benefits in postures for feeling fully alive.

Quiet Mind–Relaxed Body with Meg Keys Stratton
Sunday, November 27, 2016 | 1 to 4p
Deep relaxation. This practice is consciousness shifting and emotionally healing.

Both workshops have been cancelled for lack of interest.

Elizabeth Rainey | Earth & Sky

Elizabeth RaineyEarth & Sky: Finding Home & Exploring the Wilds with master teacher, Elizabeth Rainey
Sunday, March 22, 2015 | 2-5p
Cost: $45
Be attentive to our safe place – a nourished and steady home. From there, we will see what possibilities open up for us in standing, walking, and balancing poses. All levels welcome.

Follow this link to learn more about Elizabeth’s teaching.

yoga circle studio imageFrom the left: Anna, Stephanie, Rainey, and Karen at the Potluck!

If you attended Rainey’s workshop, please don’t be shy about joining in on the discussion begun by Larry Leach (via email) about your experiences.