Morning Mediation Circle
New Drop In three-month trial offering, the first Saturday of each month.
Join us for a monthly group meditation, amplifying your meditation practice in community with others. This offering is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike. Guided by Laurie Dunston
Begins February 1st, again March 1st and, April 5th.

Ground and Restore

Also, with Laurie Dunston, a new five-week Course. In this grounding series, we will welcome movement to lengthen our muscles, release tension, and soothe our frayed edges. Extending savasana by adding a restorative pose for ease in the body and mind leaves us feeling restored.
Tuesdays at 6:30p., February 18th, 25th, and March 4th, 11th, 18th. $75.

Cultivating Inner Strength & Peace

Let your mat be your oasis for exploring your strength and, at the same time, finding more inner peace with Jody Bernston.
A five-week Course, Mondays, January 6, 20, 27th and February 3 & 10, at 6:30p. $75.